Saturday, 23 June 2018

Blessings which we receive through Faith!

Blessings of Being a Believer!

As a Believer, we receive the following through our Faith...

1. We know God as our Creator
2. We come closer to God through prayer of faith (Hebrews 11:6)
3. We get salvation from sin and eternal life as Noah and his family got saved from the great flood
4. We worship God in truth and spirit as Abel did
5. We walk in God’s ways as Enoch walked with God and had fellowship with him in his day to day life
6. We obey God and fulfill His will as Abraham obeyed God and fulfilled His will in his life
7. We can foresee what would happen even after our death like Joseph did
8. We see miracles happening in our day to day life like the miracles happened in the wilderness:
· Parting the Red sea
· Pulling down the walls of Jerico
· Receiving Manna (food) from heaven
9. We pronounce blessings on our future generation like Isaac pronounced blessings on Jacob
10. We get strength to worship God even at the time of death like Jacob worshipped God in his death bed


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