Welcome to FutureForU Literature Service!

"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." (Proverbs 23:18)

The main motive of "FutureForU Literature Service" is to reach every person individually for Christ through literature. All the articles and resources available in this blog will help its visitor to have a bright future by knowing God and his ways.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Message of Pastor Paul Yonggi Cho in June 2018!

Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church – Seoul, Korea

Speaker: Senior Pastor Emeritus Rev. Yonggi CHO

On June 3rd, 2018 (1st Sunday)

Video Link and Full Text of  message Titled "Which was a Neighbor to the Man who Fell into the Hands of Robbers?" (Luke 10:25 - 37). 

On June 10th, 2018 (2nd Sunday)

Video Link and Outline of  message Titled "So He Got up and Went to His Father" (Luke 15:11 - 20).

On June 17th, 2018 (3rd Sunday)

Video Link and Outline of  message Titled "So there was Great Joy in that City" (Acts 8:5 - 8).

On June 24th, 2018 (2st Sunday)

Video Link and Outline of  message Titled "Faith being Sure of what We Hope for" (Hebrew 11:1 - 3).